Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Well it is finally cold out and other ramblings

I was getting pretty used to the nice 40 degree December nights. Now we are down in the 20s and it is cooooooold. We had a little ice storm this week but other than that still not "winter". Supposed to get some snow later in the week but I am not holding my breath. My wife was telling me that there are a ton of places that recorded no snowfall in December this past year that have not done that for 100 yrs or more. Yeah, the weather isn't changing. Yeah, Global Warming is some crazy persons made up conspiracy. Please, some people need to get their head out of their ass and recognize what is going on around them. Must be a sad existence to live with blinders on and not actually use your mind to...think. Oh well, who cares what tree huggers think anyway. Feh. And don't get me wrong. I am not out fighting that fight like I should but I recognize that there is an issue and will do what I can within reason. I still love spraying the cat down with a big can of Aqua Net.

Last year at the beginning of my blog I mentioned my hatred for bicyclists that fail to obey traffic rules. I almost saw another man get run down at a 4-way stop because he believed he was immune to the rules of the road he was using. If the car in front of me didn't stop when he did it would not have been a pretty site. Another incident to illustrate my point about people who fail to use their head. In his case, not using it could have resulted in losing it.

So I am back in school. Started last week. I am taking a business class and a Intro to Law Office. Been awhile and I have to say the first business class was an eye opener. Since when was college run like a High School. I pay money to take a class and I am nto allowed to go the bathroom without prior approval? I lose points for attendence if I do? Wow. I was shocked. Also I found the teacher to be quite the trip. She went on some tangent during her 2 hour long syllabus review about how we are to be nice and considerate to people in the class and out of class in our everyday world. Which I would love to do if it wasn't for all the stupid people I deal with on a daily basis. Anyway, she goes into this church like sermon telling us how to be good human beings and then out of nowhere gets back to "teacher" mode and says that if anyone disagrees with me during class and challenges her then she will have security remove that person because she refuses to feel threatened and will avoid all confrontations this way. WTF? Are you serious? This should be very interesting since she seems to make it known what a GW Bush supporter she is.

The other class is one of those blow off classes. I was reading the 2 chapters I have to have read for tonights class and was laughing my way through it. Actually I gave up in Chapter 2 because I already know what a cell phone is, what a copy machinge and fax machine do, what a calendar is, and how to use an email program. Crazy stuff. Looks like it gets better in a couple of weeks.

Poker is okay. Not great, but not bad. I don't take it as seriously as I did last year. Hopefully that will make me relax more at the tables and then see some profit this year as opposed to last year. Still ahead since I started a good amount but I enjoy winning more than losing.

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