Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Business Class continues to be...odd

So I had my second meeting last night in my Business class. The teacher was in rare form tonight. She was sick so every now and then during her lecture she would hack up a lung in a very non discreet way that at times was revolting.

Part of our lecture was based around free trade and how it effects various economies around the world. AS with every class it seems, there is that one student who has a story or comment for everything that is said. He would not let a lot of things go and was constantly challenging everything she said. At one point our $7 trillion deficit was brought up and the fight began. I can't remember how it exactly went, but the kicker was that he brought up the funding of a war and she freaked out saying that the money spent on the war has nothing to do with anything. Which is odd to say the least.

Another interesting moment was when she was discussing the recent news about Chavez. At one point she got all bug eyed and said that Chavez was going to hook up with Iran and that was a terrible thing. Someone asked why and she said, "Well with them being allies, Iran will send their nuclear bombs to South America and then have a clear shot at us!!!!!" Wow. She watches too much FOX News I think.

At the end of the trade lecture/discussion we said that for the most part the whole country was in favor of free trade. "Congress and many Americans, well, except for the unemployed," she said with a little shrug of the shoulders. Yeah, screw those people who don't have jobs lady. Sure, screw those people who lost their jobs to outsourcing which you have preached for the last hour is a great thing because companies will save money. Screw the people who go homeless or whatever. Crazy lady.

Also we have a new girl sitting in the middle of our group. I find watching peoples interaction with others very interesting. Rachel, a nice girl in our group entertained me last night with her interactions with the new girl. To get a feel for the situation I will try my best and describe each girl.

Rachel is probably about 20. She is tall, slender, normal looking girl. She definitely likes to appear presentable. She is smart, getting her accounting degree.She was wearing jeans, a shirt, and a little sweater and kept her scarf on during class because it was cold.

New girl is dressed in jeans that are 4 sizes to small and even though not fat, she had enough fat to be pushed up out of her jeans. You could see this because she was wearing a skin tight shirt that exposed her entire stomach and made her a)ridiculous fake boobs look scary or b) she was wearing a crazy padded bra that made her look like a mutant. Her belly button was jeweled up. She had a ridiculous looking tan. Terrible amounts of makeup. Her hair looked fried and ratty and oddly enough her top front teeth were silver coated. Then add on her nervous tick with her large portruding tongue piercing. Not bright at all after having two group discussions where her input had zippo to do with anything any of us were talking about. Example; we are on the side of the class that has to create an argument against free trade. Her input..."in japan if you die they will not touch your body for 3 days". Wow.

So of course all the 18 yr old boys in class liked new girl. Probably cause she looked willing to do anyone during the 20 minute break we get. Anytime she moved or talked Rachel would just look at her with a "Wtf, is with this whore" look. It was great. I laughed each time. This should be an interesting class if new girl comes back to sit in our section.

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