Friday, January 12, 2007

My wife isn't allowed to pull up Youtube.

So this is for her. This is a show by the guys who did Shaun of the Dead and the upcoming Hot Fuzz. This was a TV show they did called Spaced. Sadly I can't seem to get it on DVD anywhere. Poo!


  1. I stink at Poker, but enjoyed reading yer blog--^_^ And if it matters, I hate Blockbuster-- they insisted for YEARS I didn't return a movie that I never rented, complete with threatening letters and a ridiculous fee of $400+ dollars. I eventually set 'em straight, but man...what a pain!

    -"you may know me as bruplex"

  2. Hey Bruplex!

    Wow, $400??? That is ridiculous. I had a previous run in with them for a SNES game I rented (and returned). They went after my mom for some crazy amount of money. Bah!
