Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The New Year

Well 2007 is finally here. A new year of new adventures and new things to talk about...hopefully. Today I will just ramble on about things.

-New Years just isn't that exciting anymore. This year we sat on the couch and watched movies. I made us a nice dinner and that was about it. Played some poker and watched the TV. And that was fine. I didn't feel any need to go out and spend $200 a ticket to eat some chicken, pay for drinks and dance. Years ago I would have been up for that, but now, blah.

-The weather is odd. It is Jan. 2nd and we have yet to see a substantial snowfall here in SE Michigan. At least by this time of year we have had a couple. Each year the winters get milder and milder. Couldn't be that Global Warming BS that Gore keeps bugging us about though, right?

-Poker has changed for me. I had a rough 06 on the tables compared to my 05. My initial dream was to make it big or big enough to buy some cool stuff with my big winnings. Sadly, that didn't happen. I actually went busto for the first time this year and it was not fun. I then rebuilt my BR by selling stuff on ebay and decided on a cool plan. That plan lasted one week before I wanted to just throw my computer out the window. Now, I am playing for the fun of it. I love the game and am okay at it and getting better, but the pressures I put on myself last year did nothing for me. So far this year I have been doing reasonably well compared to the last 4 months and just plan on enjoying myself.

-I start going to school again next week. I am going for my Paralegal degree. Hopefully I can land a decent job with it and then maybe go to law school while working and get some reinbursement. Either way, if we decide to stay here or move out East, a Paralegal can always find a job.

-Working on a Horror Movie Screenplay. Kind of hit a bump and need to really figure it out. I have been watching so many movies lately that I just don't know what direction to go in. I love movies like Hostel. I also love movies like TCM and Last House on the Left. And then there are movies like Feast and especially SLiTHER. Ugh.I will keep you posted.

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