Monday, December 18, 2006

Blockbuster is starting a new stalking campaign

Okay, not really but it sure seems like it. So Friday night my wife's friend had an extra ticket to go see Spam-A-Lot. This meant I was alone for the evening to eat whatever I wanted and to do whatever I wanted. So I did. Headed to Blockbuster to get a couole Xbox games and then out to Steak N' Shake for some grub. While at Blockbuster I was browsing their horror selection as I often do to see if anything cool came in. The place was packed to the rafters and they had this poor girl running around trying to let everyone know about their awesome Online service. I tried to avoid her because I really didn't want to be rude and tell her what I thought of the service.

Well she found me. I tried really hard to just say no and be done with it but she was pretty energetic and persistant. She asked me if I was okay. I said yes. She asked if she could help me find anything, I said no. She asked if I wanted to try something out that would get me a free rental in the store that night. I said, no thanks. She asked me to hear her out and I said that if it had to do with BB Online, I am not interested as i just canceled my account the past week. I hoped we could leave it at that but she was astounded that someone could cancel such an awesome service. She asked me why and I really didn't want to explain. There were people all around us and I just didn't feel like explaining it to her so that all could here making it harder for her to approach everyone else after hearing my true and disheartening story. But she kept digging. I explained that I can never get my movies that I request even if they are available and she said she had a great answer for that. Of course it was the standard answer I got from everyone else at Corporate so she offered no hope. She kept telling me how she would get all her movies and I told her that she was lucky. I also added that the movies I want are probably not the same movies she wants. She kept telling me about the Total Access where you drop your Online movies off at the store and choose more but I again told her that neither the store nor the online program carried my movies so there wasn't anything that would work for me.

She eventually gave in and let me go but you could tell she felt like a failure. She had been getting people to sign up all night and she decided to go toe to toe with a non-believer and lost. Sorry lady. I tried to let you off easy.

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