Thursday, September 28, 2006

Why So Much Anger in the World?

I have witnessed such unbridled anger this past week and I have to ask the question, why is everyone so angry? Most of the anger I witnessed stemmed from a blog of professional poker player, Daniel Negreanu. He made the mistake of thinking that he lived in a free country and posted his feelings on the current administration running the US and an opinion on the Iranian President.

All hell broke loose on his site, FCP. People were creating accounts just to rip him a new one over his "opinions". What I find most interesting is that the people who go off on huge hissy fits of anger are usually ones who are supporters of Bush. Is it just Republican nature to fly off the handle and deal with all opinions different then the their own with personal attacks and lots of screaming? I unfortunately have yet to meet a Bush supporter who can not debate the issues without getting overly defensive and not throw at least one personal insult toward the person or people they are debating with. Sure this may be a gross generalization, but in my experiences it rings true for me.

I, for my own reasons which will be possibly discussed at a later date, do not support our current administration. As an American that right and am happy to continue to have that right. People who support Bush for their own reasons have that same right and I would never tell them they do not, yet they like to tell me and others that we "have" to support our President. Sure, these are the same people who didn't support Clinton but why be so nitpicky right?

My wife works for a campaign and in the short time I have spent seeing it first hand I have witnessed her fellow campaign workers, the candidate, and myself be insulted, cursed at, and been given the finger by "proud" republicans. Wow, okay, you are proud, but also terribly classless. It is really sad that many republicans think that a good debate is a flip of the bird and a "Fuck off, Bitch!". Yeah, that really drives your point home. Just that attitude alone makes me not want to be a republican.

But the sad part is is that this country is horribly divided. My wife explained that our great leader said he would reach his hand across the isle and bring us all together. That doesn't seem to be the case. I guess Mr. Rove had more to do with that but as the President of the United States, you get to take the blame. Deal with it's probably in the job description.

Remember after 9/11 everyone was so nice to each other? Remember how we all got along, regardless of political affiliation or pretty much anything else. We were hunting for Bin Laden and things were not that bad. When did it all change? Iraq? I don't know for sure but that would be my guess. The minute we stopped doing anything about 9/11 this country took a turn for the worse in my opinion. Guess we are back to looking for him again but it's pointless now. Plus it seems to be a political ploy to help the failing republicans in Novembers elections. As stated in my profile, I hate people, the reason I do is because for the most part they are all stupid, so many will fall for this ploy. But I think they will still be in trouble come November.

Let's just be nice and respect each others opinions and views. How does my view being different from yours hurt either one of us? If you like Bush, go right ahead. I disagree but I won't rip your head off about it. You should learn to do the same. This is America, we are supposedly fighting for Freedom *snicker*. Let's not be hypocrites.

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