Monday, October 02, 2006

Another Right Taken Away

Well they have gone and done it. The process has begun to pull the plug on internet poker in the US. Good old Fristy did what all wonderful politicians in this great country do to get what they want, he attached the Internet Gambling Bill onto an important and much needed Port Security bill. The bill passed the house almost unanimously and then because of time constraints due to the session ending was passed by the senate in a vocal vote. So just like that the online poker has taken a nose dive.

Today reports are coming out from Party Poker and Pokerstars stating that they will be suspending all US based accounts on their sites the minute George W Bush signs the bill into law. So that is that I guess. I would have liked to see sites wait about a month or two when the actual rules and regs come out but I guess they are worried what might happen to them since the US seems to lose it's temper rather easily these days.

I don't understand why this has to happen. Just another right taken away from us. It is interesting to see diehard Bush fans and Republicans all pissed off over what just happened. I guess if it doesn't effect you, you won't feel the pain. But when it does effect you your eyes are opened wide.

I love playing poker and just don't have the resources around me to play anywhere but online. Yes, we have 3 casinos in Detroit and 2 have pokerrooms but each has their lowest limit at 5/10 which is not where I am at right now. 3/6 I can handle, 2/4 or lower would be ideal but they don't run it. They also have tournaments but they have such horrid structures that it is basically all in of fold after the 2nd round of blinds and I don't feel like wasting money on a coinflip. So I guess it leaves me with my monthly home game and pub poker. Hard to make millions with those options. :)

Well thanks again US Gov't for making sure I, as a 34 yr old, cannot enjoy poker. I appreciate you from stopping me from making money. Thank you and piss off.

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