Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Pub Poker

Decided to go to one of the local sports bars last night and play some pub poker. Tried it a few months ago and enjoyed it and decided that the new season started I would try to make some of the games and see if I can't squeak into the top 100.

Game started at 7pm with 27 players on 3 tables. Seems everyone knows everyone and I was one of the new guys. Everyone was pretty cool and it was interesting just sitting back and observing them. One of the guys at my table was a would not shut up. He would critique every single play made at the table. He kept saying that he hated playing with terrible players but don't worry, none of us were that bad. Of course at this point I have yet to play a hand. He was good for some entertainment at least but his poker knowledge was not all that impressive. I had to at one point correct him on an analysis of one of his hands when he incorrectly calculated his outs.

So first hand I played was 33 in the BB. 3 players to the flop and it was pretty ragged. All checked to the turn and checked all around again. I took a stab at the river but got reraised and let it go.

About 30 minutes in I was down to about 2900 from my starting 3875. I was dealt JJ in MP. UTG who was on the final table the last time I was there raised to 800 when the blinds were 100/200. Folded to me and I called. Everyone else folded. Flop came 862. He bet He bet 500 and I reraised to 1200. He called. Turn was a 5. He checked and I bet 1800 and he folded after taking about 4 minutes.

Very next hand I am dealt As6s. Folded to me and I limp. Button calls and the BB (the guy I beat last hand) checks. Flop comes Qs 3s 4s. Flopped the nuts. BB checks, I check, and Button bets 800. BB thinks and calls, I take sometime and make a call. Turn is the 5s. BB bets 1000. I take sometime and then raise to 2000. Button is pissed and folds. BB calls. River is the 3h. He checks and I tell him I will put him all in and he calls showing a J high flush. I flip my cards over and scoop the large pot. Mr Poker can't get over how well I played the hand (though I don't think I did anything all that special. Not hard when you flop the nuts) and how I got all the value I could out of it. Top class play. LOL. Okay, whatever.

A few hands later the 3rd table broke putting us down to 18. I had about 12.6K at this point. I got into a hand with the new guy at our table who was the chip leader. I was in the BB and he was the CO. Play folded to him and he raised to 1200 (200/400 level). Folded to me and I called with KcJc. Not my favorite hand, but I wanted to defend my blinds and figured it was good enough to see the flop. Flop came Qc Jc 3h. I checked hoping he would make a continuation bet and I could check raise but he checked. Weird. Turn came a Kd. Now I have top pair J kicker, straight, striaght flush, and flush draw. I bet out 1800. He thinks for a bit and makes the call. Hmmm. Not feeling good about this, I need a big river. River came a 6h. Blah! I checked and he checked and I flipped my K and he showed AJ for the straight. If only a club hit. Oh well. Could have lost a lot more if I played it more aggressively. As that happened 3 people busted out on the other table and I was sent over there.

The chip leader was now at this table after busting 3 people with 2c3c. I didn't get the whole story but those were his cards he called 3 all ins with. Heh. I sat back from a playing a few hands to get some reads on players. Two were shortstacked and pretty much blinding themselves out. I saw one in the BB with 300 left with KQs and she checked it all the way and lost to a pair of 2's. So not a ton of skill going on here. I was down to about 6500 at the 400/800 level and put it all in with AKo. I got one caller who I figured for a pair on how fast he called and he flipped over AQo. Whew. That held up and I was back in business.

Finally we made it to the final table or 9 and I was sitting on about 10K with 400/800 blinds. Stole a few blinds early to help me out and finally got my chips in UTG with AJs. Sadly I got two callers, AQ and AK. The AK hit a pair on the flop and took us both down. I finished in 7th.

It wasn't too bad. I can play with these guys, everyone seemed nice. I was tired and didn't stay for the second game but will next time.

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