Tuesday, September 19, 2006

TV Land: Amazing Race & Studio 60

So the new fall season is getting underway and here are some reviews of two new shows and some comments regarding Wife Swap from last night.


Ahhh my favorite reality show of all time is back with a new season and a new bunch of losers to watch run around the world being annoying, stupid, rude, racist, and plain amusing. Nothing much seems to have changed in the show. They did get rid of a team during a non pit stop activity but other than that it was the same great show that keeps winning Emmy after Emmy. Getting that Survivor, stop messing around and get back to what made that show good, not some gimmicky crap you got going on know!

Anyway, so it's early in the season but I will post my thoughts on all the teams.

Bilal & Sa'eed
Best friends from Cleveland. The new common theme in reality shows is to get Muslims on. They were okay. Little over religious for my tastes (and if they were Christians or Buddhists or whatnot I would say the some thing). I was curious to see how they would get through the whole race since it seemed they were strict followers of their religion since they wouldn't even shake fellow women competitors hands. Too bad they were slow as molasses and were the first to be knocked out.

Vipul & Arti
Married couple from Florida. Eh. Wife liked the guy and I was indifferent on him, hated the woman. No real reason. Just the way she presented herself. She was way to daintily and I have to say I don't like men who call their significant others "love" That's just weird. They were also very slow hence they were the second team to go home.

David & Mary
Here we go. These two are supposedly married from Kentucky. They seem to have left the part out about them possibly being brother and sister as well. Yes, I just said that. So what. So I guess they met working at McD's and fell in love. She has the self-esteem of a cow and he is as bright as a...well...he just isn't that bright. What should be interesting about them if they last long enough is to see how they grow together. They still seem to live in the world of the women is a slave and the man is god mentality. I don't predict them to go far but I sure get a good laugh out of them.

Duke & Lauren
Duke is the father of the Lauren the Lesbian. He seems to have a hard time with that as he broke down crying talking about his shame for his lesbian daughter. Should be interesting how they handle each other. They might grow on me if he can grow up but I doubt it. She seems cool though.

Dustin & Candice
Two beauty queens from Cali and NY. Not to smart, little ditzy, more air between their ears than airtime on the show for me to get a good read on them.

Erwin & Godwin
Bothers from San Francisco. My pick currently to win it. I like these guys. I have nothing bad to say about them. They seem intelligent and funny. GO TEAM!

Kellie & Jamie
Wow, nothing annoys me more than cheerleaders, especially southern cheerleaders. They spent the whole episode acting and clapping like cheerleaders. That is annoying. They are probably close to the Kentucky couple in terms of smarts. The blond one asked the brunette one if Sa'eed and Bilal worshipped Buddah after being told they were Muslims and the brunette didn't seem to know herself. Wow. They will get annoying fast and they possess no qualities that want me to keep them around any longer than they need to. The blonde though is by far the most annoying of the two. They didn't even know how to put the Mercedes in Drive. Wow.

Lyn & Karlyn
I started off liking these two but quickly changed my perception of them. They will be the major whiners of this season. Whine, whine, whine, whine...that is all I heard from them since about 20 minutes into the race. History has shown that whining about what other teams are doing is counter-productive and will hurt you in this race.

Peter & Sarah
Here is where I probably write my ticket into hell. I despise Sarah. Sure she is just a person on a TV show, but she irks me in so many ways. For one, she has an annoying personality. Yes, she has no leg, boo hoo. I know I should feel sorry for her but I refuse to since she seems to get around just fine. Missing a limb will not get you extra points in my book. If you bug me, you bug me. I like how in their intro she talks about her huge longtime crush on Peter. She really focused on that and her missing leg. He never once expressed his feelings toward her in his time. I find that hilarious. The site says they have unresolved romantic feelings for each other. Don't know what that means but my guess is that he is actually gay. That might make it hard for her to bag him. Just my opinion, not that there is anything wrong with that. She seems to bring up her missing leg often in the 90 minutes of episode one and if that continues she could really ruin this season for me. I am not going to feel sorry for her. She decided to run this race and almost got screwed by having to climb the wall and I had to listen to her feel even more sorry for herself. But baby, you chose this, so shut up and deal with it. My wife will get mad at me for posting this but I will say watching her run makes me giggle and I am 100% certain that makes me a bad person, but it is the truth.

Rob and Kimberly
Ahh, the typical elitist, better than everyone, fight with each other couple. Can't have an Amazing Race without this team. Two dating bartenders from LA. They will be fighting with each other all season long, let's just hope there race is short.

Tom & Terry
The Forehead Team. Gay couple from NY. That is all I have to say. Not rooting for them but I can handle them for now. They didn't get that much air time to judge them as harsh as I have judged others. :)

Tyler & James
Two drug addict models. LOL. I like them. I will root for them and Erwin & Godwin. Fun guys, seem nice, not overbearing, just looking to have some fun.

So this should be an interesting season. I wished I liked more of them but what can you do when you hate people as much as I do.

Studio 60
Well living in a house with a diehard Aaron Sorkin fan it would be hard not to watch this show. My wife is a West Wing junkie and has been dying for this show to premiere regardless of the fact she watched the pilot on youtube a month ago. As with many of Aarons work (West Wing, Sports Night) he tends to have similar events and storylines. Luckily he is an amazing writer and can pull it off well. Cast looks good, I like Perry and Whitford a lot and it seems they will be hilarious together. I look forward to the next episode and I hope he can make this as good as WW and be able to stick with it longer since his leaving WW killed the show for me. Check it out. You won't be disappointed.

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