Friday, August 03, 2007

Just more Poker ramblings

So let's see. What poker adventures have I gone on since last posting?

$4.40 and came in 6th. I wished I finished higher but I was card dead once I hit the final table.

Full Tilt just started some 180 mans and I tried one out at the $2.25 level. Little tighter than Stars' $4.40's but they get the job done. I finished 11th for something weak. Need to make the Final Table to make any real money.

Played a $6.60 Super Sat to FTOPS $1,000,000 Tourney. Was doing well early on. Doubled up on the very first hand and was good to go and was down to 3 out of the starting 20 or so. The chipleader was pretty aggressive and I got QQ on the button, decided to limp hoping one or the other would push or raise. SB folded and on cue the BB raised and I repopped him for my remaining chips. If I win we would be close and the SB was really short. He showed A5o and hit his wheel straight on the river. So I won something like $14.xx. Bah!

Played a $1.25 90 person Deepstack SNG. Finished 10th i beleive for a whopping $1.80 or something. lawl

Played in a $5.50 MTT. 534 players and I finished 143rd I think? Somewhere around there. Was doing good and just played on hand stupid and that killed me.

Played a $3R to the Sunday Million. Finished 9th. Top 8 got a seat. *sigh*

Played a $2.25 18 person tourney. Was sitting 2nd out of 12 when I got it all in after an A high flop with AK vs AQ. Q hit on the river. Then I got it all in preflop 10 hands later with AK vs AQ who hit runner runner runner for the flush. Yup.

Big home game this weekend. Last month of the Grand Prix and I am holding onto a slim lead. I will let you know the results when I can.

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