Monday, July 30, 2007

My sad weekend of poker

Right off the bat I will say that I played pretty well this weekend. Sadly though I got nothing much out of it.

Friday night I played a $5.50 90 man deepstack SNG on Tilt and played well and finished 19th. 18 get paid. JJ < QQ.

I played a whopping 281 hands in one session of .01/.02 NLHE while nursing a huge headache on Saturday evening. I started with the usual $3 and got it up to $5.65 then all the way down to .56 and then finished off at $3. So no lose no win, just even. Oh well.

Yesterday I felt adventurous and jumped into a $500K sat on Full Tilt where the winner wins a seat to the $50+5 qualifier that was giving away some 200+ seats. I of course did what I do in every sat I play well in, finish 2nd.

Then I jumped into a $24+2 $17.5K Deepstack. Got nowhere fast and finished somewhere around 62x out of 1199. That was just bad cards IMO.

Then I was upset and jumped into a $4.40 where I promptly got knocked out 15xish when my flopped set of J's got runner runnered by a dude chasing a Q high backdoor flush draw. *sigh*

Finally I jumped into the FT $5.50 at 8pm and played wonderfully till it got close to the money. I raised with 99 and had the SB push all in on me. If I fold I was going to lose 60% of my stack in the next two blind rounds so I called. He had KK and I was done even though I flopped an OESD. Oh well. 67th out of 576, top 54 get paid. I played well I think so I am fine with it but it just sucks being on the bubble so much this weekend.

Taking a few days off I think and then get back in it. Maybe.

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