Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Still Alive

I haven't had much to post the last month or so. So life got boring. Just some poker here and there, school, World of Warcraft, and just life. Slowly working on my screenplay. It's a horror script. Liz will be writing the dialogue and I will provide the story and plot. Who knows? Have you seen some of the crap that gets made these days? I think I have a fair chance as anyone else in selling it or something.

Well that is that. I will attempt to post more again to all my 1 or 2 readers. lol

Be sure to check out the Park Bench link. New blog started by my wife and some of her friends. Still new but worth a read.


  1. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Don't feel bad about the low amount of traffic, man. I've got multiple blogs and hardly anyone posts in them. But it's good experience for me since I am working on a journalism degree.

  2. Hey, hurry up and write your script so I can write the funny parts. :-)
