Monday, March 19, 2007

Gotta Fight That War on Tear Raa, Bra!

So Tom Delay (R-Texas) was on Meet the Press yesterday morning and inspired me to post something on my blog. I was laying comfortably on the nice King sized bed in our comped $400/night suite up in Northern Michigan while my wife was taking a shower and flipping through channels till it was my turn to get cleaned up. I came across Meet the Press and this wacky guy talking with a horrid speech impediment. Mr. Delay cannot pronounce the word terror. In the span of like 2 minutes he said it about 4 times and I was just in awe. The best I can come up with is "Tear RAA". How can people take someone seriously when they talk like that? (Oh wait, GW, nevermind). When hanging out with his little congressional buddies does he use the word bra instead of bro because of this terrible problem of his? "Hey bra! Ready to go vote on that bill, bra?"

Then he decided to become a funny talking hypocrite when he stated that he believe the protesters at the mall in D.C. on Saturday were unpatriotic and aiding and abetting the enemy by wanting to impeach the President and wanting the administration to come up with some type of timeline for withdrawal in Iraq. I wonder if he thought the same thing when people walked the streets asking for President Clinton to get impeached due to a BJ he received in the oval office? Oh wait, Democrat...Republican...oh! I get it now! Jeez, there I ago again missing the point. Towing party lines, blah blah blah.

I find it odd that this guy is a congressman and never heard of the 1st Amendment. I guess it only works if the protest doesn't go against your beliefs. I am sure he had no issue with the Bush supporters spitting and trying to start fights with the anti-war protestors. To him they were his bras! He probably thinks of them as Freedom Fighters or something.

I can honestly say I knew nothing of this guy but after watching for 10 minutes I now know what kind of man Tom Delay is. Just another waste of oxygen in my humble opinion.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe he could fight that guy on Survivor who alawys says "bra." They could wrestle.
