Sunday, September 17, 2006

Poker Post

Not doing too much with Poker since I was gone the whole week. Played a couple $4.40 180's on Stars yesterday and finished 13th and 40th. I was doing well in the latter till I lost with AA vs. 66 when he hit a 6 on the turn after we both got all in after the flop came 284.

Watched some FCP guys play in the WCOOP #1 Limit Razz. Hanguk from FCP finished in 13th which was an amazing finish. I tried to stay up for the whole thing but fell asleep sometime around 1:30am-2:00am. Even got me in the mood to play razz but since I feel it is not a strong game of mine I only played a $1.50 SNG. Finished 3rd though for a whopping $.35! LOL. So good job Hanguk, you should be proud!

Today I felt like crap but had a craving for poker. Played a 45 man SNG and was top 3 from start till about 11 players left when I got my KK sucked out on by 78s who hit a straight by the river. Finished 10th. Played 3 6 Max SNG's tonight and won one, bubbled the other and dead last in the third after losing with KJ vs AA after flopping two pair. Oh well.

Also played a Moneymaker $2.5 Million Stage 1 and finished 306th out of 58xx and some. It was pretty funny,

But my head hurts too much to continue playing today. Just watch some football and keep an eye on a few FCPers in the WCOOP #2 $1.5 million tourney.

Also a shout out to Ray Powers who did well today in a FCP Protege Qualifier Event. Go get em in the next stage!

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