Saturday, September 16, 2006

I Swear, I Could Have Smacked Her...

So after a 10+ hr drive home from D.C. I was tired and hungry. Liz really craved a Chicken Gyro from National Coney Island. So after watching the footage I taped all week and watching the end of the Tigers mauling of the Birds I headed out into the cold night for some good food.

When I got there it was rather busy, guess there was a HS football game and the place was crawling with teenagers. Never thought I would get old enough to be so annoyed with teenagers, but I have hit that mark. The gentleman in front of me orders his food and then they take my order:

Chicken Gyro Deluxe (w/fries)
Chicken Gyro Deluxe, no tomatoes, w/ cheese fries

That is it. Not too hard.

After they take my order they take the orders of the two women behind me. Then the wait begins...

As I am waiting I notice that one of the ladies behind me gets her food. She was the last to order. The gentleman, me, her friend, then her. Odd, but no biggie. I am watching the two girls deal with people and do their jobs while waiting. The one who took my order seemed okay. Little cheerleader type girl, slight attitude but not that bad. The other girl was pure emo. I am was not sure what emo was until I saw her. She was miserable and absolutely rude to everyone she talked to whether it was us or co-workers.

Finally the gentleman in front of me got his food and there was two of us left for waiting. Finally I see all out food hit the counter and the emo chick starts bagging it. But then...she stops. Cheerleader girl doesn't know how to use the credit card machine. So they sit there trying to work it out and get the customer on his way. Me and the lady waiting with me are now getting a little annoyed. It has been over 20 minutes and her friend got her food 15 minutes ago and it's getting cold waiting. Why they did hers first is beyond me.

So now they both have forgotten that two of us are waiting for food and start doing other things. The cheerleader is fixing her hair and the emo chick is talking to a co-worker about exchanging $50 in $1's. As they are working it out I step up and say "we would really like to get our food...can we stop what we are doing and do our jobs?" This prompts emo girl to look at me with great disdain and anger. I think she thought she had lasers in her eyes and was melting me with them. That prompted me to get angrier and I said, "Listen, get our food or get the manager, your choice..." Emo girl ignored me and cheerleader woke up and went to start bagging the food.

So things are looking up and I get my food without any more confrontation. But that would just be a dream I guess since next thing I know while talking to the other woman waiting, a bag of food gets thrown on the register counter by cheerleader. So the woman and I just look at each other...who's is it? So I ask...and then it happened...cheerleader girl snapped! In the most pretentious, rude, angry, sarcastic voice she whipped her little head around and said "that's yours...HAVE A NICE DAY!"

Wow...that was rude. My only response was to smile and ask for the manager. She repeated to me that I have my food and to have a nice day and I told her "it doesn't work like that, get your manager know!"

So the manager came out and I explained the situation to him and left.

Then I get home...

Two chicken gyro's both with tomatoes but both with no lettuce. No sauce either...

I am so sick of this common trend in customer service. I guess the only places I can eat and be treated normally by competent people is places where I will be spending $40 or more a plate.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:53 AM

    I had a similar experience, Me and my grandmother went to a Wendy's for lunch, So we both are ordering our food and then the lady who was making our order decided to talk to a goth chick behind us.

    So after 15 minutes of waiting I ask her if I could speak to her manager, she replies in an ugly voice: Our manager is off today. I told her yeah sure.

    I have had worse then this from fast food joints. Like arbys sneezing into my Bacon Beef Sandwhich.
