We got up and headed to the Metro station and took the M to Capitol South. We got to the Capitol and headed to the Senate Gallery. That was a cool experience. Saw many big names like Kennedy, Lieberman, McCain, Clinton, Kerry, Boxer, Lott, Stabenow, and such. They just got finished voting on something and most cleared the room and then a new issue was brought forward. Sen. Clinton yielded 2 minutes to Kerry as he demanded that civility be brought back to the Senate after some deplorable comments made the day before. When he was done Sen. Clinton talked of getting aid to those sick from the 9/11 aftermath due to poor conditions. Made sense to me. Sen. Harris from Maine argued that it was not fair only to aid people from NY but also the people who helped during the aftermath of the Pentagon. Sen. Clinton agreed but said that the Pentagon crews were all given respirators and garb that protected them while the EPA told NY they didn't need any of that as it was safe. But that if people that worked on the Pentagon were also effected then by all means deserved the same aid. Sen. Boxer also talked on behalf of helping these people saying that we need to do something to say thank you and we are sorry. I gotta agree.
We headed out for lunch and saw another Motorcade. This one was he Korean PM.
After that we left and headed to Chantilly, VA to the Air and Space museum. This is a different A&S Museum from the one in DC as it holds the planes that are too big. Here we say an SR71 Blackbird, the Enola Gay (dropped the bomb), and the Space Shuttle Enterprise. We didn't have but an hour and half to go through but it was worth it. Lots of cool planes to see and to see how large the Shuttle actually is was great. Once we got kicked out of there we headed back to DC to eat dinner at the Austin Grill and then head back to the Hotel.
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