Today we woke up and headed out to DC to check out the National Archives. Here we saw many cool things like the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the Magna Carta. Pretty cool place but very small and not that much to look at. Just 3 small exhibits.
When we got outside we both saw that we had a missed call from my mom, who should be on a plane to Detroit. She left a message on LizÂs phone that said they got as far as Dulles. They left out of Reagan. I guess about 10 minutes into their flight the captain told them to prepare for an emergency landing. When landing the runway was full of firetruckss and ambulances. After sitting on the runway for sometimes they finally got to taxi to a gate and they were left to find new flights to their destination. From what she understands, one of the planes engines caught fire. She got home later in the day but it took awhile.
From the Archives we headed over to the Capitol to see when the tours were. On our way there we saw the Motorcade. Pretty scary thing actually. About 8 police motorcycles, then a few patrol cars, two limo's, and then a bunch of Secret Service vehicles and SUV's with the rear windows down with SS men with assault rifles pointed out the windows.
We got the info and then headed back to our car to move it closer and to fill up a another meter. We got a new spot and headed over to the Capitol again and then jumped into the next tour. You start the tour by going through an intensive search and then you get taln on a walk to the back entrance into the Rotunda. Very cool place as you can see in the pictures. The we headed to the Statue room where many famous people in history used to have desks. Like Andrew Johnson and Abraham Lincoln. From there we went to another room and then sent on out way. We headed to some Police officers and asked for passes to the Senate and House of Representatives and we got 2 of each. We decided to see them tomorrow as we had probably had our car towed by now. We got the the car to fond it was still there but there was a $100 parking ticket attached to the wiper. Bah!
We shrugged it off and then headed to the Jefferson Memorial and the FDR Memorial. Both were amazing and beautiful. After that we were tired and just headed back to the hotel and ordered Pizza and watched House.
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