Thursday, August 03, 2006

Random Thoughts

I am bored. Which as you might now guess is a common state of mind for me. But if it wasn't for my boredom you wouldn't have anything decent to read. lol

- So Full Tilt has it's own little WCOOP going on. Might try and get into one or more. Probably a lost cause but you never know. I am due for a huge win and winning or placing high in one of these events could make life easier on the poker side of things. So I will keep you up to date on how that goes.

-Reality TV is just crazy. At 8pm last night I was flipping through the guide to see what else was on instead of House (which btw is a fantastic show!)and it was nothing but reality shows. America's Top Model, Supernova, and America's got Talent. Come on, isn't it going a little overboard where 75% of primetime TV on the local stations are reality shows? Don't get me wrong, I like many of them, Survivor, Amazing Race, Hell's Kitchen, Top Chef, and sometimes Big Brother. But sheesh, there are just so many on. People said it would die down but it has only gotten larger. I guess it is cheaper to make. Instead of paying some top actor $600,000 a show for 24 eps in a year it is cheaper to pay one person a $1,000,000 after a season.

-Internet is Serious Business. Yup, seems that is still true. I used to be a moderator at GameFAQs, a very popular and good resource for video game help and decent message boards. Problem is that people can not control themselves in a respectable manner on the internet. That's fine but the stupidity on that site is horrendous. The site has very strict posting rules and for a good reason. When your site caters to 13-16 year olds there is going to be a lot of inappropriate content that is not needed on a message board for kids. Then when a user gets their message deleted you get this crazed topic like someone killed their parents and then ass-raped them in their sleep. Jesus, it's a deleted message. Big freaking whoopdeedoo. This is the stuff that kids and some select adults waste their energy on, fighting over a deleted post that broke easy to understand and clearly defined rules? Seems the educators in the world today have also taught these children how to argue in circles. Another sad but true thing. Nothing more pathetic then someone who can't argue without ignoring everything around them. RKIGS is a good term for them.

-Man it was hot the last few days. Each day over 100 and humid as all get out. Luckily things have gotten a bit better today and should be good tomorrow and the weekend. If you think Global Warming is a myth and all these scientists are making it up you must be pretty out of touch with reality. You probably believe all the 911 conspiracies too. Face it people, each year the weather changes dramatically. I have been lucky, or unlucky, to live in the same area for 29 years. Summers are drastically different now then they were then, same with Winter. We also used to have a real fall and spring but that has changed over the last 10 years. Just get your head out of your ass, stop watching FNC and use your head for a day and see what is really going on. :P

-As stated in other posts, I work for an apartment complex. It's funny sometimes. Recent funny moment for me was when I was trying to get $335 of late payments out of this tenant. We send an invoice when it is time to sign a new lease and they need to pay their balance due, if any, before renewing. She got all huffy and asked why we wait till the end of the year to collect the late fees and why haven't we told her she was late when it happened. I explained that we do it this way and have for years and why would we have to tell her that she was late when she mails the payment on the 12th when the payment is to be in the office by the 1st. Obviously you know you are late. Why do we need to tell you that your rent is $625 but 2 months this past year you only sent us $500. You know damn well you didn't send in the full amount. Did you think that we would just ignore it? No. You want to live here another year then you need to pay what you decided on your own not to pay. It's really not that hard. I mean are people stupid enough to think that if they pay 2 weeks late or short on their rent by $125 twice that we would never catch it? Come on. People continue to prove to me that they are stupid. Bah!

-Guy in apartment puts pot on stove to boil water at 3am in the morning. Wakes up at 5am to find the apartment is full of smoke and the fire department are at his door because the tenants call them. No damage, just a ****ed up pan. Calls me 3 days later and tells me his carpet smells like smoke and he can't get the smell out, what am I going to do about it? Me? Nothing, I didn't boil water at 3am then fall asleep and almost set fire to the apartment complex. You? You are going to call a carpet cleaner and pay for them to try and fix it. Other than that, I got nothing.

-Dealerships. My mom has a 99 Acura Integra. She had another one before it for like 9 years. Love's them and back in the day the people at the dealership were normal considerate human beings. I guess that has changed after I talked to her last night. Her battery died yesterday morning. She took it in to Wal-Mart and got a new one. Not bad either $44 installed! Guess Wal-Mart is good for one thing. Anyway, she is driving to work and tries to turn the radio on. Won't work. Can't play a CD either. She goes to work and looks in her manual. It tells her to pull out her Anti-Theft card and punch in the numbers into the radio to unlock the device. Okay. So she has that in her wallet and it is 7 years old and the first 2 numbers have faded away. She can barely make them out. She thinks she has it and finds out after 3 tries that it isn't the numbers she thinks it is. Now she has to wait and hour or something. She tries again in the morning and it still won't let her punch in the numbers.

So she calls Acura when she gets in and gets some bitch with a lack of customer service skills. The woman is not amused at the predicament and tells her that they don't keep records dating over 4 years. According to her most people don't drive the same car for more than that. Heh. She then yells at my mom for not writing the number down in the manual. That is just stupid and I will address that in a bit. She eventually tells my mom that they need to pull the radio out to get the serial # and then they can search another database. Anyone knows the time it takes to remove a car radio is no more than 15 minutes. But Acura is going to charge my mom $95 for those 15 minutes. The woman pretty much continues to unhelpful, insulting, and retarded. Nice letter they will be getting.

Back to the issue of 1. having an anti-theft device on a radio that makes it inoperable without the code and 2. writing that number down in a manual.

1. It's stupid. So the person takes my radio but he cannot listen to it because once disconnected to a battery source you would need a code to unlock it. Big deal. He has my radio and I don't. I don't care if he can listen to the radio or not, I STILL DO NOT HAVE MY RADIO. I could care less if he throws it away or sells it for $500000. I still have no radio. The anti-theft device does nothing for me the car owner. I still need to go buy a new radio.

2. Oh, so put the number to unlock the radio in the manual which is where? In the car. So the guy stealing the radio just needs to take the manual with him and he can use and/or sell it and it will work. That's some serious brain power at work there.

Moral of my blog today I guess is that people are idiots.

Carry on.

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