Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Finally, a little hope!

Played in a $4.40 180 man SNG at Pokerstars. As usual when I play this SNG I get through the first hour in good shape. Quickly picking good spots and accumulating chips to be sitting in the top 30 at the first break. Felt good, was playing smart, didn't get stuck in any bad situations.

2nd hour things went a little sour when I made some bad calls and got nailed. For most of that second hour I was sitting around 2300 in chips which is no good. But then I hit a nice rush and some helpful rivers to pull out of my hole and into the top 10. Twice I was all in with AJ and both times after the flop hit I was behind only to catch an Ace on the river each time to take down the pot. From there I was sitting on about 9800 in chips and cruised while people dropped out. Found the players who I thought were good to steal against or bluff against and used that to maintain my stack and even build on it. I never got into any real confrontations the latter half of the second hour. Played small ball and stole blinds and antes when I could.

Finally towards the end of the second hour I made it to the final table and was 4th in chips with 23K thanks to a large pot I won when I flopped two pair against someone who caught top pair with a K kicker. As usual the cards went cold but luckily this table was completely LAG that in no time we were down to 5. I was in the BB,1000/2000 blinds +100 ante( I believe). I held QcJc. UTG folded and the chip leader bet out to 6400. all folded to me and I called. This left me with about 18K in chips. Flop came Qs6h6s. I bet out 9K and he raised to 18K and I called. I figured he had the flush draw or AQ. I was right, AsTs. So it was a race. Turn was an Ace. River was another Ace. Oh well. Finished in 5th and that is all right by me. Been a while as previously mentioned in a past blog that I have not reached a final table in quite some time. So I am happy for the finish and have now finished in the money two times in a row in this SNG (finished 15th yesterday).

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