Thursday, July 06, 2006

The Smash Strategy

This came up yesterday at Kellers site and I thought I would blog it as I find it interesting and funny. Smasharoo is a poster on (Daniel Negreanu's site). He created a strat for playing low limit NLHE online. Here is the gist of it...

You know those plastic birds with the red liquid in them that bob up and down if you put water in front of them?

Putting a mouse in front of one of them instead of water would work against many online games.

Here's a strategy:

Play only Ax suited and PP.

Move al in with AA and KK pre-flop regardless of position or anything else.

Limp with everything else.

Fold if you don't flop a set or a flush draw.

When you flop a set or complete a nut flush draw, bet a lot.

Count your money.


Doing that will make you more money than 90% of people who beat NL online because the game's so stunningly bad and somehow come to the conclusion that it's because they're raising 78s multiway pre-flop.

It sounds like a crazy strategy but I have a feeling that it can work. It can work at low limit tables like .02/.04 where the players are just so terrible.

So I decided to try it. I got $20 free at Titan Poker for some reason or another and decided to play 6-Max .02/.04 NLHE and only use the Smash's method. It's the most boring poker you will ever play but it seems to work well.
I have been dealt AA 4 times. One time it was in the BB and folded to me and I got nada, the other 3 times I went all in per Smash's advice and got at least one caller each time and the hands were marginal at best. I think the best hand that called me was JT. Other hands were like K3o, A2o, 85o. That is bad play.

So give it a try sometime if you are bored. Right now I am averaging about 190BB/100 hands which is crushing. Just be prepared to be bored.

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