Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Oh! The Horror!

I love horror movies.


I don't really know. I hate to be scared myself. I don't like the sight of real blood or seeing an actual dead body. But I love horror movies. Makes no sense.

But I am extremely picky on what horror movies I watch.

Scream is not a horror movie.

Scream is the worst type of horror movie ever made. Why? Look at it. It's too clean. It's too crisp. Horror movies should be dark and grainy. They should look dirty and dull. Sadly movies like Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer ruined the horror movie genre for a few years. That was the new way to make scary movies, by turning them into glitsy Hollywood movies with top tier actors and actresses. Blah! Blah I say!

But now things seem to be looking up with people now going a little more old school. Getting back to the grainy and dark looks of past films like Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Night of the Living Dead. Even some of the "Hollywood" type movies are getting more dark and...good.

Some of my current favorites are movies like High Tension, The Hills Have Eyes, Hostel, Creep, Dead End, House of 1000 Corpses, and Devils Rejects. I could really go on and on. High Tension is probably at the top of my list right now. That movie has a beautiful look and is non-stop excitement with a great twist at the end. I recently watched Creep that was pretty decent. Nothing terribly original, just some psycho mutant guy killing people in the London Underground, but it was fun to watch.

I would love to write a horror movie. I have ideas. Maybe I will someday when I figure out how the hell you write one. Till then I will just watch them. If you have any favorite horror movies, let me know, I will watch them.


  1. True, but people aren't as smart as you to notice that. Even hollywood execs. This move spawned a new type of horror movie that IMHO puts down the true horror genre.

    You also probably liked it because it wasn't gory or even remotely scary. :)

  2. Anonymous4:46 PM

    if you havent seen it, check out a japanese horror film called audition

  3. Yeah, I have it on my blockbuster online queue. Thanks!
