Tuesday, May 20, 2008

2 New Blogs

I have been working, slowly as you can expect, on two new blogs as this one has started to bore me a bit.

The first one is Rants and Raves in the Motor City. This is a blog that deals with my personal views of what is going on in the Detroit sports scene.

The other blog is Singular Ineptitude. This will be just short snippets of the idiots I deal with on a daily basis. Still playing around with layout and such and for some reason the stupid people around here stopped calling or coming in so I have no new material. But it won't take them long before they hook me up.

So I hope you head on over from time to time and check them out. And as always, please visit and enjoy my wife's site, The Park Bench


  1. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Dang dude, you change blogs like Paris Hilton changes clothes.

    ViperInfidel/SourBlaze here.

  2. LOL. I know, it's a strange disease that a handful of us have.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
