Monday, July 23, 2007

Weekend of Poker

Got a little poker in. In regards to the .01/.02 Challenge, I only played one session. 147 hands and lost the $3 buy in. So I am up $7.

At FCP TB17 started a fun thing to do to go along with Star's in $11 100K Tourney on Sunday. He got 10 people to become captains of a team and pay $50. They would hold a draft, send out stakes, and then the team with the most money won at the end of the tourney wins $400 and 2nd gets $100. Ten captains quickly signed up and they held the draft Thursday evening.

I was drafted 29th by Zsta's Flying Assholes. I decided to keep the stake instead of buying myself in and seeing if I could do better on someone else's dime. 17500 people start this tourney, 2625 is when the payouts begin. I had finished about 10K the first two weeks of this tourney.

Started off slow. Played tight. 10 minute levels are fast but you start with 3000 in chips so I think I have time to find good spots. I finally got dealt a decent hand, 99 UTG. I decided to limp as someone in MP just got donked and I want him to make a move. A few callers and my guy on tilt wasn't and folded. The SB raised it 3x the BB and three of us went to the flop. Flop came A9K two diamonds. SB bet 300 and I raised to 900 and the other guy folded. SB pushed. Please don't have AA or KK. Whew. HE had AQ, no diamonds. Shortly after I raised with KQ suited and a low stack pushed, one called and I called. Flop came KJx. I bet, the other guy called. Blank on the turn and I put him all in and he called with J7. The other guy had J9 and I knocked them both out and was sitting nicely with about 10K in chips. Then the cards went cold. I got through the second break, already into the payouts when I was UTG with KQs and an M of about 2. I pushed and got one called by one player who had KTo. Of course as the you would expect it was all good till the river when he spiked his T and I was out in 2150th.

By that point there was only 2 of my team left. Seacucumber dropped out around 1850th and it was left up to Donkmeister.

Well the wife jumped on the computer and I did something else and I came back an hour or so later to find Donk looking good. About 300 left and he was in the top 50. Make a long story short, we are down to 18 players. Donk is still playing and tobeytobey who plays for Naismith's Unmentionables is left. Donk has to finish one payout higher if we want to win. A deal is made between both captains to chop the payout. Each team gets $200 and $100 is left for the winning team instead of $400 for 1st and $100 for second. Soon after, tobey exits in 18th. Donk needs a final table to win it for his team and he does so in impressive fashion. He ends us sadly though finishing 7th after his QQ runs into AA. Still a great achievement to finish 7th out of 17,500. He as kind enough to send $250 of his winnings to our captain to be split amongst us. Class act. Sadly we redraft this week. :(

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