Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Praying for Money

That is what the new WSOP Main Event Champion did early this morning. Everytime Jerry Yang had to make a big decision at the table, he would pray. He would pray to the Lord that certain cards show up and that he wins. He would pray for $8.25 million.

Isn't that a bit selfish? Okay, so he is going to donate $825,000 to three charities. Ok. So that makes it ok? I don't see it. What about the other 6,000+ players. Don't some of them need the money? Did God decide he hated everyone else and only like Jerry and gave him the bracelet and the cash?

Well from things I have read around the web it seems like a hot topic. Some are saying the guy is a tool for doing it. I agree. It's no different than a super bowl champion saying god was on their side that day. Does God really hate the Bears and loves the Colts? You would think if he really liked a team enough to help them win the Super Bowl we would see that one team win year after year. If the devil liked another team than maybe the Super Bowl would always just be the same two teams each year.

Others say we have it all wrong. Supposedly he was saying..."God let me win and I will glorify you." Oh, so I can just tell the big man I will glorify him if he puts an Audi RS4 in my driveway and in the trunk $3,000,000. I will get a "I love GOD" license plate holder and a GOD money clip! Sweet. If this is all you had to do I would have done it long ago.

I don't mind praying. I don't do much of it, but I do think seeing grown men pray to god asking for such things to be quite telling. I am not a Christian, I am not a religious man, I believe in God, but maybe I missed the part in my church days where God will heed the prayers of selfish individuals if they promise to glorify him. I will see if it works. You will be able to tell if all of sudden the entire Bush administration disappears and I am driving a brand new Black Audi RS4.

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