Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I Think She May Be Mental

Yup, another blog about my Business class teacher. What a nutjob. Monday almost put me over the edge and the rest of this semester is going to be very trying for me. As seen in this blog, I tend not to let stupid people act a certain way towards me without me letting them know it. Sadly my hands are tied on this one as I found out that this freak is the head of the department so any and all complaints about the business teachers go straight to her. Must be why she hasn't been fired yet.

I found out about that site where you can rate professors. Looked her up last night and BINGO! I am not crazy. Rude, mean, argumentative, treats students like 3rd graders, etc. All the things I have experienced in 12 hours of class. This week she yelled and screamed at a student who was just clarifying his notes and she thought he was trying to argue with her. She started in with me when she told some girl on her cell phone that she better call the 888 number to have it added to the no-call list. Earlier that day I saw that it was not totally true and she started to fight with me on it and I eventually gave up when she kept repeating to me that she got the info from a government site. I asked her if she believed everything the government tells her. I doubt she liked that but oh well. I am 34 and refuse to sit in a class I paid money for to be treated like she treats us.

I'll leave it at that for now. I suspect things will continue to escalate as the weeks go by.

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