Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Tigers vs. A's in ALCS -- Game 1

Last night the Motown Kitties faced off against the Oakland A's in Oakland for a chance get into the World Series.

Big talk around town was Leelands choice to start Nate Robertson against the A's ace Zito. I personally had no issue with it but I guess I could see both sides. Supposedly Kenny Rogers is good against the A's in Oakland and he won't be playing at all over there. Robertson had a poor outing in his last game of the season and then a sub par performace in Game 1 of the ALDS but it wasn't that bad. Nate has been on of our most consistent pitchers in the 2nd half of the season. I thought he had a chance to do well. Zito on the other hand is supposedly a great pitcher and one to be feared.

Well it sure started as expected. Nate found himself in some jams early but luckily got out of them and Zito sent down the first 8 batters with ease. It was looking to be a long night if it kept up but thankfully my boy Inge hit a homer and that started Zitos; demise. By the end of it all it was 5-0 and Zito on the bench. With the 5-0 lead Nate found himself in another jam with men on 2nd and 3rd and no outs. Leeland came out to the mound as he has done som many times this season, said some things and then walked off. Nate then struck out the next 3 batters. It's just amazing how many times I have seen Leeland do just that and get the same results each time.

It was great to see Brandon Inge get back into form. He had a horrid ALDS but started off the ALCS with a homer, double, single, and a walk. Hopefully he can keep it up. Sadly we lost Casey mid game to some kind of calf injury. I haven't heard anything more than a sprain so I can't pretend to know when he is coming back but for sure won't be playing in game 2. I guess Perez will be playing and that isn't too comforting. He has done squat all season and I would rather see Infante play since he has a bat that connects with the ball. But we will see, you never know what might happen.

So tonight is Game 2 with Verlander on the mound. Winning tonight would put a strangle hold on the series with games 3,4, and 5 at Comerica Park. But the A's are a good team, should be a good one!

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