Wednesday, October 18, 2006

My Whiny Poker Post

I hate to do it but I need to vent and this looks to be the best place for that. I know I can play this game. There is no question I can. Sure I have some leaks but all players do, but for the life of me I can't seem to win a damn thing. My first year playing was great. Made decent amounts of money but this year has been atrocious. Still way ahead of the game but not making the stack larger, only smaller.

Today for example, playing a Triple Shootout and doing very well until one hand while heads up I raise with A6 and he pushes. He was erratic and loved to come over top of everyone all game long, so I called and there it was Q3. Of course he hits a 3 at one point and takes a large lead and I can't crawl back.

I have made some good decisions, played some good TAG poker the last couple weeks and I have been getting railed by instances like that. Yesterday I was the chipleader in a 180 SNG from hand one till about close to the 2nd hour. Cards were falling, donkeys were pushing when I had the nuts, etc. Then one play I get crippled when I went in a 4:1 favorite. I end up finishing 2 off the money. Bah!

I know I can play this game and I know that the donks are my friends in the long run but in the short run it is killing me and my bankroll.

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