First one I watched was The Hazing. I DVR'ed this the other night just for fun and actually enjoyed it. It was a very campy horror film but enjoyable.

The premise of this film was 5 college kids, 2 girls, 3 guys, pledging for their respective Sororities and Frats. Their final "hazing" was to go out on a scavenger hunt for items on Halloween. After they had collected enough items they were to spend the night at a local hanuted house and if they could last till morning they would have completeled the task and they all would have gotten in to their frat/sorority. Sounds easy enough, right? Wrong.
They split up into two groups and head off to get the items which turned into a wonderful music montage. One of the items was a book of incantation that was worth 20 points of the required 50 they needed. One group went to the professors house who allegedly had the book. What they find is that the Professor was a crazed murderer. Once the professor was "dead" they hi-tailed it out of there and to the haunted house taking the book and a staff so as not to leave fingerprints.
The professor didn't die but was rushed to the hospital. As the kids were hanging out doing what kids do in horror movies, the professor left his body at the hospital and headed to the house to use the book to enter one of the kids bodies. From there it is a gory mess of death and demons.
The movie was entertaining and the two girls were pretty attractive. Tiffany Shepis is a big horror movie actress and played her part well. Parry Shen, from a lot of TV shows, stars in this as well and does a good job. Good for a rent on Halloween.
The next movie in line was Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers. Sadly Blockbuster Online sent me this instead of the first Sleepaway Camp even though it says available. But that is another blog all toghether. I have been holding off watching it till I saw the first one but I decided to just watch it.

Wow, now this is a classic horror flick. Camp, killer, kids having sex and doing drugs, and decapitation. What more can you ask for in a horror flick from the 80's right? The acting in this film was absolutely horrid. Horrid to the point of pure entertainment though. Watching the making of/deleted scene/outake section of the DVD was hilarious when the director touted the main character, Pamela Springsteen, as a great actress who showed great emotion. Really, just watch it for the acting if nothing else.
Anyway, enough about that, the movie takes place at a camp in the woods. Right off the bat you find out that Springsteens character is the killer. Damn, I guess I needed to see the first one. As each camper does something that she finds immoral, she kills them in various ways; power drills, drowning them in a outhouse, decapitating them, slitting throats, chainsaws, and guitar wire. It was pretty entertaining but as you probably can tell by now I am easily entertained. If you like the old slasher flicks like Friday the 13th and such, you will love this movie. I suspect the whole series is good. Hopefully I will get 1 and 3 next week.
Last on my plate is Hostel. This is a Eli Roth film (Cabin Fever) that is actaully pretty good.

This movie is about 3 backpackers in Europe finding their way to Slovakia where things take a turn for the worst. According to Roth, he got the idea for this movie from hearing/reading about a place in Thailand I believe where people would pay money to torture and kill people. So people would be kidnapped and then some tourist would come and pay $20K to kill them. Basically this movie is all about that but set in Slovakia.
I am a big fan of Roth's Cabin Fever, and I am in the minority on that one I believe. He did really well with this movie. The acting is good, the look is great, and the sense of terror is outstanding. If you like movies like Saw and Saw 2 then you should enjoy this as it seems to have the same look and feel.
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