Saturday, September 16, 2006

DC Trip Day: 6

Today was the rainy day. We headed over the Tysons Corner Mall and walked around ate lunch. We found a nice Japanese Bistro that we planned on having our Anniversary dinner. After lunch we headed to the Metro Station an headed back to the Capitol. Today we went to the House of Representatives. We stayed there for about 2 hours watching them waste our tax money debating about immigration measures. Republicans wanted to pass a bill to build a 700 mile wall in the south while the Democrats wanted a more comprehensive plan then just sticking up a wall and being done with it. I guess from the proceedings it was stated that a bill had already been passed in the HoR and the Senate that included this wall, more patrol, more detention centers, etc, but it was stuck in committee. So it was all a moot point and a waste of time, but cool to watch the process and see two votes happen.

Then we headed over to the National Musuem of Art and walked around for an hour looking at paintings from Cezanne, Degas, Monet, Renoir, and Van Gogh.

After that Liz wanted to o to her favorite little store of Presidential memorabilia. After walking about 45 minutes she found it. Pretty cool store. Lots of old campaign stickers, buttons, and posters, Real White House stuff fro staff members that sell it to the store. From there we headed to the Federal Triangle M Station and headed back home.

We hung out a bit. We were pretty tired from all the walking we have done the last 6 days. I took a shower and then we headed over to the mall to eat dinner. We ate at Pauli Moto'’s Bistro. I guess it is a new restaurant from Iron chef Morimoto. It was really good. For drinks, Liz had Asian Pear Sake and I had a couple glasses of Hoegarrden. We had he crab and cream cheese spring rolls for an appetizer. For dinner I had Moto's Spicy Chicken and Liz had Angry Lobster Pad Thai .Both dishes were excellent. I really hope they bring one of these to the Detroit Area. It would give PF Changs a run for it'’s money and I donĂ‚’t like many of Royal Oaks Chinese restaurants.

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