Monday, July 10, 2006

World Cup Soccer

So the World Cup is finally finished. Now I have to wait another 4 years to watch one of my favorite sports because America, as with most anything these days, has its head so far up its egocentric ass to televise any of the great international matches that will start up in August.

I love listening to local sports radio and reading threads on various internet sites about the World Cup and soccer in general. I love it when someone points out that the world is so engrossed in this spectacle and the US is not. The usual reply from the "experts" is something to the tune of, "The world is a bunch of idiots and the USA is smart not to care about such a horribly boring sport." Wow, what an ignorant statement to make. Yeah, the World seems to enjoy this game but since American's don't then that means the rest of the world is a bunch of retards. That is what makes this country so...stupid. Maybe the real reason we hate it is because we absolutely suck at it? That might be it. But lately we suck at everything.

World Baseball Classic- Heh, our national past-time and we got our butts handed to us.

World Cup Soccer- US media overhyped a crappy team led by a even more crappy coach and we didn't win a single game.

Basketball- When was our last gold or anything in regards to international play?

Hockey- Heh, yeah, that was another pathetic performance by an American team in the last Olympics.

So what do we have? Football. Well there ya go people. We rule the world when it comes to Football. Whooooohoooooo!

Some of the threads on the intraweb were funny. Many Americans think there should be a 3-point line in soccer. That way the scoring would be higher. *sigh*, yeah, cause god forbid a game ends 1-0. Americans feel better if the final is 3-0 even if it was just one goal. Yup. We actually did this at one point. In regards to Indoor Soccer, they created I believe a 1 point, 2 point, and 3 point line. So games that might be 3-2 would be 8-6. Wow, amazing how much more interesting that must make it.

So, I will say it, Americans are egocentric, whiny, narrowminded boobs. Don't agree, that's cool. But until the people around me stop acting that way, I will continue to think that way.


Ray said...

Steve, dude, MLS!

Events on espn all the time..

Ray :)

Steve B said...

Yeah, I watch those when I remember. But the play is so bad compared to when I get the chance to be home on a Wednesday afternoon and catch a Preimere League game on FSC. (Which is sadly never). Plus the MLS is where the good European players go to finish out their careers. ;)