Thursday, July 20, 2006

Go Get Em Tigers!

Ahh, what a day. Tigers win 2 straight against the powerful White Sox. Hopefully the monkey is off their back now. 3-6 vs the Sox this year and have plenty more chances left to get some more wins against them. Now we are 5.5 games ahead of them in the AL Central.

I was at the game last night. What a shot by CMo in the 5th with the Grand Slam. There was a Sox fan behind us who wouldn't shut up most of the game. When the Tigers were hitting single after single on their way to filling the bases she got all uppity and asked how we could be happy about singles. Her team is all about the long ball! After CMo hit the GS I eventually said something to the effect of , "Wow, too bad we kept getting all those crappy singles". She shut up after it was 5-2. But when it got down to the final out, all the fans are on their feet cheering, and Jermaine Dye hits a single the place goes quiet and then you here from her, "Yeah motherfuckers! Base hit!" Too which everyone gladly pointed to all the small children around her. Then I remarked loud enough for her to here, "It was only one of them measly singles". Next batter was out and Tigers win!

Good times here in Motown. Hope they can keep it up.

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